Contactless giving for Conservation
£2000 raised

Naturally Contactless
The Wildlife and Wetland Trust run ten reserves across the UK, manage 3000 hectares of our best wetland habitat and provide inspirational experiences to encourage people to value wetlands and the amazing wildlife they support. As social-distancing remains a priority, card transactions have become the preferred method of financial transaction across WWT sites.
Having seen a huge growth in contactless donations, WWT have extended the trial to 70% of their sites across England and Wales.
How DONATE™ was used
After an initial trial in 2020 WWT installed DONATE™ static contactless devices at their centers to limit touchpoints and keep visitors safe. Asking everyone to pay by card where possible using signage. Devices were placed near the registration and ticketing desk or near the exit. To further reduce interactions the tappable devices were set to receive preselected donations of £3, £5 and £10. In addition they are also trialling a £20 donation option.