Fundraising for Survival
£10,350 raised

Ensuring the survival of a national Borderlands treasure.
Paxton House is a Borderlands treasure. It was donated to the nation ‘for their benefit and enjoyment’ but was facing the loss of 90% of its income during the first national lockdown. Paxton House, entirely dependent on visitor revenue, developed a national emergency campaign with the specific goal “to raise at least £20,000 by the start of summer, June 20th to ensure reopening”.
How DONATE™ was used
Over £10,000 has been donated by Paxton House’s loyal supporters through web from the UK and internationally and text donations. The donation request was promoted online, through social media channels and direct email. Messages left on the DONATE™ page reflect the sense of enjoyment gained from this historic house. The campaign closed in June 2020 however Paxton House continues to generate both regular monthly and one-off donations through DONATE™ via the campaign page.