Shakespeare Schools Foundation
£515 via contactless (£103 via cash) raised

Contactless giving at comedy gala
Cultural education charity Shakespeare Schools Foundation (SSF) knew its audiences were carrying less cash but that they would have contactless credit cards in their wallets and purses. The charity ordered a tap+DONATE™ unit for their comedy evening which had an audience of 370 people. Working with the evening’s host, the unit was passed along the audience rows with individuals tapping their cards to donate £5.
How DONATE™ was used
“Not only did tap+DONATE™ allow us to reach donors that cash cannot reach but with less cash to handle we had fewer security concerns.” SSF are excited to develop its use of ‘The Tapper’ at events in the future providing its diverse audiences and range of stakeholders the option to give via contactless payment and not relying plainly on cash donations in a bucket.”