Text Raffles for Schools and PTA’s

Text Raffles by Schools and PTAs
We have seen a bumper number of text raffles being run by schools and PTA’s during the 2020 festive fundraising season. With schools seeking new ways to fundraise in a cashless, digital way our text raffle service has become a novel replacement for the traditional Christmas hamper and other prizes raffled at the school Christmas Fair. Swapping the ticket strips for text messages means no running costs and allows participants to buy multiple tickets. Grandparents and friends can also buy tickets from the comfort of their armchairs. Raffle tickets are available at £3, £5, £10, £20 and £30. More funds raised without cash being involved is a winner for everyone.
How DONATE™ was used:
With a choice of ticket prices and raffle keywords, schools this year elected to save time selling and folding tickets by promoting their chosen keywords, along with the number to text, to their communities. The school PTA committees promoted their text-raffles using their email lists, social media and newsletters with a few setting-up stalls and incorporating it into virtual streamed events. Prizes donated by local businesses were raffled alongside some more unique offerings such as cakes and other prizes. Quick to get up and running, some schools ran multiple raffles at once. Those with a £5 entry raised the most with the same number of participants. The lucky winners are contacted through their mobile once the raffle is drawn. Whether named Raffles, Draws or Tombolas, schools and PTA’s hosted their small lotteries license terms on the DONATE website in order to comply with the lottery legislation.
Read FundEd Spring 2021 Magazine for more on how Text Raffles have help PTAs raise funds.
“Our first ever text raffle as part of our first ever online Christmas market. We had a short time in which to run the raffle and were pleased that we were able go live so quickly. This was a new process to us but the support offered was fantastic and any queries we had were quickly dealt with. After promoting our Raffle to our community we are thrilled that we managed to raise £585 using the DONATE™ text raffle service”.
Jennifer Juttner | Chair, Friends of Rodings Primary
“the whole process has been brilliant. We have raised a phenomenal amount – double what we raised last year using the paper raffle, and last year was a bumper year compared to previous. So thank you for your help we will hope to do this again next year rather than go back to the paper set up”.Maz Preen | Fundraising Chair, Eversholt Academy Trust